Dr Tim Baker helps organizations and leaders improve performance. Organizations are basically a bunch of people working towards a common cause. The greatest return on investment to improve performance comes from building leadership capability.
Surveys suggest that 70% of employees are disengaged. Research shows a link between engagement
and the bottom-line. Disengagement is costing you money. Leadership makes the difference.
Investing is leadership is the gateway to high-performance. High quality leadership is priceless. But most people are promoted to leadership roles on their technical know-how and can struggle in their new leadership role. Even experienced leaders from CEO to middle managers benefit from building better leadership capability.
Tim is a specialist in organizational performance, with a successful track record in transforming
leadership capability for 18-years. Organizational development and effectiveness are his forte.
Whether it is individuals, teams, or organization, Tim offer unique and proven solutions to leadership development.
This includes:
- Workplace Culture Change
- Change Management
- Management Development
- Executive Coaching
- Organizational Profiling
- Team Development
- People Skills Development
In 2013, Tim was voted one of the 50 Most Talented Global Training & Development Leaders by the World HRD Congress. In 2018, he was a Finalist in the Learning Professional of the Year for the Asia Pacific Institute of Learning Professionals Awards.
Tim is an author of eight books, including his latest: “Bringing the Human Being Back to Work: The 10 Performance and Development Conversations Leaders Must Have” (Palgrave Macmillan).
In a nutshell, Tim have conducted over 2,430 seminars, workshops, keynote addresses and coaching programs to over 45,000 people in 13 countries across 21 industry groups.
Call Tim now on 61 413 636 832 to have an obligation free conversation on how I can help you.
Tim has many roles:
- International Consultant
- Executive Coach
- Keynote Speaker
- Post-Graduate Lecturer
- Gifted Facilitator
- Master Trainer And
- Successful Author
Tim has conducted major consulting assignments from Saudi Arabia to Singapore.
His clients range from police departments to symphony orchestra, and every industry in between.
Tim has consulted to
- Boeing
- Monetary Authority of Singapore
- Unilever
- Nokia
- Singapore Airlines
and many others.
Tim’s point-of-difference is to turn rigorous theoretic perspectives into practical workable solutions.
A senior corporate said recently:
“I have no hesitation in stating that you are one of the very best that I have encountered. Your understanding of the needs of people, particularly when running a business, and the down-to-earth manner in the way you deliver your presentation is both refreshing and enlightening.”
In 2013, Tim was voted one of the 50 Most Talented Global Training & Development Leaders by the World HRD Congress. In 2018, he was a Finalist in the Learning Professional of the Year for the Asia Pacific Institute of Learning Professionals Awards.

He is author of seven books, including his latest: “Performance Management for Agile Organizations: Overthrowing the Eight Management Myths Holding Businesses Back” (Palgrave Macmillan), released this year.
In a nutshell, Tim has conducted over 2,430 seminars, workshops, keynote addresses and coaching programs to over 45,000 people in 11 countries across 21 industry groups.
“I have no hesitation in recommending Tim to any organisation. Tim’s knowledge of adult learning is second to none. Tim walks the walk and knows how to get the best out someone without them even realising. Tim can operate on any level without fear. After attending a course with Tim, I tried to add some of Tim’s style into the way I trained. If you’re looking for results, Tim is the person you should talk to.”